Technical bulletin - 6RA23_F
Technical bulletin - 6RA23_F
6RA Series Auxiliary Flag Relays
6RA23 Hand Reset Auxiliary Flag Relay - Two Element
- Low burden
- Hand reset contacts & flag
- 6 contacts - specify M or B
- Draw out case
- Two elements in one case
- Equivalent function to MVAA23
- 6RM206 specification
The operating element for the 6R MATRIXAuxiliary Relay functional elements aredesignated 6RM & are based on our 6R Series relays.
The type 6RA Series elements are lowburden auxiliary relays which can be usedwhere a scheme demands severalcontacts for event recording, alarminitiation, contact logic arrangements, etc.
Contacts are constructed from silver /copper alloy, shaped & positioned toensure very reliable, low resistanceoperation. Over travel of the contactsduring each operation causes a wipingaction ensuring a clean “make”.
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