Signalling relays

Signalling relays

Mors Smitt is an authority when it comes to signalling relays. We have inhouse expertise and manufacturing of various standards used in several networks:
  • B-style relays (Netherlands, US)
  • N.S1 relays (French standard SNCF)
  • Q-style relay (British Rail Standard BR930)
Currently hundreds of relay designs are being manufactured meeting the strict requirements of railway operators. Mors Smitt can either manufacture new relays or provide a comprehensive refurbishment & repair service for existing units with re-certification.
Repair, retrofitting, maintaining, testing and re-calibration of signalling relays according to original factory specifications is part of our activity.
Mors Smitt also has extensive design capabilities enabling other relay versions & types to be developed and manufactured upon request, like special lamp proofing relays.